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Door-knocking has commenced!

Yesterday, I was blessed to have an incredible group of volunteers gather to support my campaign with door-knocking! I am so grateful for their support! As much as we all LOVE social media for reaching the public, nothing beats actual face-to-face interaction with the community! And, the fact of the matter is, much of the social media algorithms are skewed against someone like me, an American-first, constitutional conservative, so, who knows who actually gets to read my posts?

I'll be honest: in the past, door-knocking has been the hardest thing for me to do when helping out with campaigns, and I actively avoided doing so, choosing to support candidates in other ways. But, when I signed up to run to represent SD56A - Apple Valley, MN, I knew I was going to have to do it. I am willing to go way out of my comfort zone for We, The People, because

if more of us don't leave our comfort zones NOW, TODAY, and help the liberty-minded candidates win elections so that we can get back to an actual representative government Of The People, By The People, and For The People, I fear that we will all soon become very uncomfortable as our state and country drift rapidly towards Marxism.

I am not running in this election for myself. Well, ok, I am, but only because I am interested in preserving and defending the rights given to ALL OF US by our Creator. Our fore-fathers left us with pretty detailed instructions on what those rights are and how the government is supposed to do that. That's actually the #1 job of our elected representatives: to support the Constitutions of The United States and the state in which we live, and I intend to fulfill that role to the utmost of my ability! To get to that point, though, I need your help. Will you join me? Will you go out of your comfort zone to knock on doors, make phone calls or send text messages, walk in parades, host a meet & greet or fundraiser, or put a sign in your front yard for me, and the many other American-first candidates running in elections this year?

If not us, who?

If not now, when?

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